Appyea, Inc. Looks To Break Out Of Its Tight Trading Range

Appyea, Inc. currently trading at .0018 looks to break out of its tight trading range. Stocks of these tend to break to the upside often times after being trapped in a tight trading range. One example of this pattern is APHD. After many months of trading in a tight range it ran from .005 from the previous trading day to .46 of the next day. That's a move up of over 8,500% in one day. How many of you traders would love to see a move of such magnitude in one day? I certainly would take a +8,500% mover on any given day. Here is your opportunity to be in on the ground floor of a magnificent stock currently trading at .0018 cents. APPYEA Inc. is a global mobile application developer for iOS, Google Play, and Amazon platforms. The Company operates its own titles as well as provides strategic partnerships with promising mobile app developers. AppYea focuses on a number of different categories including next-generation social networks and gaming. The Company recently acquired sev...