Dig-It Underground, Inc. ($DIGX), A Penny Stock Showing Record Profits Performance

When you hear of Penny Stocks, you always think of it as an after thought or lightly regarded. Well, I am here to shed light on a little, undiscovered penny stock. This stock came to my attention many years ago while trading penny stocks. Approximately four to five years ago, I bought it and sold it. Some how a few shares were left over in my account. From time to time, I would look at the ticker turning green but never paid it much attention until this year and decided to take another look at this stock. To my surprise, I discovered it's a profitable company. Not only has this company been profitable, but it has for the past six quarters producing record profits, quarter over quarter. This is almost unheard of in the OTC Market. Companies producing profits are far and few between. It's quite rare to find one. I am happy to have found a profitable company in Dig-It Underground (DIGX). Going forward I expect to see a rise in the performance of the stock price from such be...